On our seventh day, we had a Camp Council, and Brandon Alberti and Camilla Crump were elected to be the camp Pageant Directors. Brandon and Camilla asked some of the campers to sign up as a pair to become the Masters of Ceremonies (MC). They also asked the campers to sign up to complete in the Pageant as partners. Brandon and Camilla had received many sign ups for the pageant which brought them more excitement. We also voted Cindy Siebert and Justin Bergeron as the Co-Chairpersons of ASL Night.
As the day went on, we went to Debate Time. There were four groups ( A, B, C, and D) at the Debate Time area, debating about Private Schools, Public Schools, Residential Schools, and Home schooling. Each group had an opening statement, opinions, rebuttal and closing comments to discuss the issues of their subject. We had break time and during our break time each team showed their team spirits by cheering aloud. Whoever had the loudest team of all won the bonus point.
When our heads were buried in Vlog and Blog class, we learned how to set up a place for vlogs and how to edit vlogs to make them good short movies. While all campers in class are working on the vlog, three team D campers got glued on keyboard with their hands and learn some different techniques of making a blog and those three campers ended up with close to perfect blog.
After we got tired of being stuck on the keyboard and video camera, we got an hour and half break until dinner so we decided to spread out and some girls went to take shower while all other boys dashed to open grassy field back of Leadership Hall. They started playing a game called, “Steal the Bacon” in which the boys were divided into two different teams and assigned different numbers. When a staff called out the numbers matching the numbers that boys had, boys who had the number called were challenged to capture the ball in the middle of field and dash back to their own finish line. We played for a whole hour and half! Some of us were worn out and not able to run quickly anymore. By that time dinner awaited us.
After we gained 10 pounds from eating delicious spaghetti with meat, vegetables and tomato sauce, the evening program started. We got a mystery presenter who is from Poland and his name is Johsua Weinstock. We got some laughs from him because his signing was different and funny. But then, wait an minute, he is not even from Poland, he is one of our staff. We all felt foolish for believing the staff for saying that there was a person that came from Poland. He explained to us a fun game called, “Polish Kickball.” We, campers, got very excited to play the game. We started off teaming up with team C. There was a funny part when Kylei Brooks tried to catch the ball but failed and then Alanna Laughrey ran to catch it and made it. Thanks to them for saving the ball that gave us something to laugh about. After the first game, we won together and got 25 points while the other team A and team B got 24. It was really a close game. After we all switched to play a different game, Team D got to be with Team B while the rest of us got teamed up together. We played for long time until James Wilson who had caught the ball and when the second kicker had kicked it out top the field, we all wanted to get it and again James missed it, then Travis Waala caught it and flipped into the grass, which was so hilarious. It was amazing that we won again 24 to 15, we cheered and won first place.
It started getting dark so we decided to go in Leadership Hall to have our delicious vanilla ice cream! We loved the cold thick vanilla and the taste of frozen silver spoon. Soon, Group A were called to attempt to start the fire in Fireside for our special guest. Unfortunately, the Group A were given three matches and failed three times. We had no fire for the night and it was the fourth night in a row with no fire. We were sad that we could not get the bugs out of our way because the fire was not there to protect us from those nasty bugs.
Later that night, all of the campers and the staff sat by Fireside. At the Fireside, there were two presenters Maurice Abenchuchan Jr. and Joshua Weinstock. Maurice Abenchuchan Jr, told the campers about his experience growing up. When he was little he said there was a protest at Florida School for the Deaf. Deaf people tried to protest to keep their school open. His parents, friends, and other people were at the protest. A lot of people had signs at the protest and gave some signs to children. They walked around smiling and laughing, they did not understand what the protest was all about because they were too young to understand things. Maurice’s parents and the other young children's parents fought for their deaf child’s rights to keep their school going and won! While Maurice went to a mainstream school, he had an interpreter and he felt embarrassed. He went home and told his parents to get him another interpreter because how humiliating he felt at school. As soon he got another interpreter he was not satisfied with the interpreter he had, so he continued to get another interpreter. His parents wanted to send him to a residential school with all of the other deaf students. But the state did not allow him to go to a residential school. His mother fought for his rights to get him into a residential school. Finally, he got into Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, he met other students and had the opportunity to socialize more with them. Many students asked him questions about the protest that has happened several times.
The second presenter, Joshua Weinstock, told the campers about his experience as he was growing up in school. When he was in school, he said he was one of the best writers in his class but he admits he disliked writing. When growing up, he told the campers writing is important because it helps you read better and there’s more chance that people can get into college or get a job. He asked many campers if they disliked writing, many of them raised their hands. He went to Deaflympics in Taipei, and said it was one of his best experiences. There, he learned a lot about writing skills and explained why it is important. He gave the campers his best advice: Never give up anything that you are good at because it can apply for your future experience.
When he went to Youth Leadership Camp in 2004, he learned a lot about life and how important it is growing up as a teenager entering adulthood. Before going to YLC, he did not care much about nature, school work, and the environment. While he was here he realized how much it meant to be at Youth Leadership Camp.
After a crazy and busy day at YLC, we went over to Leadership Hall to finalize everything up after Fireside’s presentation presented by Maurice Abenchuchan Jr. and Joshua Wienstock. Before we went back to our cabins, we gathered and did our tradtional 'YLC 2010, Good Night!'
Brandon Alberti, Brandon Washburn, and Lily Horta listen as Jamie Utzman shares her group's point of view during Debate Time.
Angel Ortiz, Kylei Brooks, Alanna Laughrey, and Jenna Smith are thinking and developing rational ideas.
Iris Wigley shares her group's point of view as two staff members, Mark Ramirez and Bregitt Jimenez, watch.
Keaunna Bolden and Tory Sampson are glued to the computer as their Blog Advisor, Luba Douziech, watch.
During recreation time, Angel Ortiz attempts to go after Justin Bergeron during the 'Steal the Bacon' game.
Campers are anxious to run and steal the bacon as two staff members, Mark Ramirez and Maurice Abenchuchan Jr., observe.
Nicole Strom's smile is contagious!
The energy is high - campers play Polish Kickball.
Campers cheer as Bree Crayton runs during Polish Kickball.
Campers share their positive energy!
During the Fireside chat, Maurice Abenchuchan Jr. shares his experience as a child at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind.
Campers watch as Joshua Weinstock talks about his experience with writing.